Monday, April 30, 2007

Here's Charlie!

Charlie is our new pup we got on Saturday. She is a one year old, pit bull mix, and she's been through a lot. Melissa and I never would have thought about owning a pit bull, but she was too sweet for us to pass up. Charlie was rescued from a drug dealer who had chained her to a tree with another dog without any food. Despite all that, she remained a sweet dog. She was then adopted by a lady who shortly thereafter committed suicide, so she went back to the rescue. The second time she was adopted, the person just could not devote the time to take care of her and returned her to the as well. Fast forward to April 27th. Melissa and I went to PetSmart to buy new nail clippers for our other dog, Chip. Like Melissa says, "we came here for nail clippers, and left with nail clippers and a dog." Charlie is surprisingly sensitive, and full of energy. At one point, when Chip was displaying his dominance, we could have sworn she was crying. When I tell people we got a pit bull mix, I see many discouraging faces. Once again the media has caused a stigma to be placed on the pit bull breed. Just like any other breed of dog, if you teach it to be mean, it will. We are very fortunate to have such a sweet and loving dog. I imagine a lot of people's views on pit bulls will change after meeting Charlie.

Please visit Left Over Pets, INC for more animals like Charlie.

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